Helston Town Band

Regularly performing in a wide variety of concerts and engagements throughout the year, our thriving band bring great joy to all who listen to and follow them.

Helston Town Band is extremely proud of its association with Helston Flora Day, when our ‘quaint old Cornish town’ throngs with thousands of people.

Brighouse and Rastrick Band recorded its own version of ‘The Floral Dance’ in 1977, but it is only Helston Town Band who can claim ownership of the authentic Flora Dance.

Passed down through generations of Helston bandsmen and women, no written music exists. The Flora Dance is sacred to Helston Town Band and has never been written on manuscript to ensure it remains only within the band.

Helston Town Band has an extremely rich heritage, which can be traced back to the turn of the century with some members of the current band having family connections extending back four generations.

Town Band parading through Helston
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